When conventional loans just won't work we have an alternative way that will provide your business with an immediate CASH INFUSION!!. We provide merchants with this funding alternative by purchasing future credit card processing sales from their future credit card processing sales volume. We are one of the few companies that can provide money against all credit card types, Visa -MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Call us now for a FREE NO obligation consultation!
If you do not process credit cards we offer a Small Business Loan program that will provide you with a daily set debit from your bank account. The target merchant which this program is suited for will have at least $15,000 monthly sales volume, has been in business for at least two months and if processing credit cards should have a minimum of $5000 monthly processing volume. Their are special situations where we may accept merchant with lower sales volume. To find out more contact us ![]() Potential Uses You can refinance an existing loan. While also having the opportunity to leverage ownership in a business, purchase new inventory, open an additional location, open a new business, purchase part ownership in a business, additional financing, purchase a new business, renovation or expansion of an existing business, large equipment straight purchase, and equipment leasing. Apply today to take advantage of these offers.
![]() Requirements Requirements vary due to the specifics of the business owner, however the basic requirement entail. Completed application, minimum gross business income of $10,000 per month, No open bankruptcies in the last twelve months. A credit score of 550 or above. In business for at least two years or more.
Aside from those requirements, the process is fairly easy. Just complete the application found on the bottom of this page. Email the required documentation ([email protected]). You will receive a funding offer within 24-48 hours. Once you accept the offer you will get funded. It really is that simple. Let's Get Started. |
We have a very simple and easy loan approval process. Once your application has been successfully submitted, you will receive a notification within 24-48 business hours informing you if you have been approved or denied. We offer a $0 application fee, with fast funding withing 72 business hours of complete and approved application. With several payback option and out eleven lenders under one application guarantee.
![]() Qualifying Criteria Your business must be established for a minimum of 3 months with a minimum monthly sale record of $10,000 and decent to good credit. Our simple application requires three months worth of verified bank statements.
![]() Financing Options Options available are dependent on the applicants specifications. Including but not limited to small business loans , ACH loans, Merchant Cash Advance, and a Line of Credit.
![]() Save Time & Money One application = response from Eleven funding sources.
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